Friday, December 6, 2019


Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. Before they became Kobanes, these Chicago Ramones-inspired poppy punkers formed this instro-surf band with a creepy, satanic theme and actually came up with twelve great, spooky instrumental surf tunes that transcend the schlock. Bandcamp Album of the Day Apr 19, go to album. The tracks are unmastered and for promotion only. Built on bludgeoned blues and filled with low-rent hedonism, this rarities compilation is party music for burnouts. Recorded in the Mecca of pop-punk, Sonic Iguana, by the Pope of pop-punk, Mass Giorgini ten years ago, then they broke up and none of us even knew about it until now. Philadelphia upstarts Crypt Sermon cleave yet another epic slab o' doom full of fantastical thrills and kickass solos. skullmaster mp3

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Despite the above caveats, I am going to give this 5 stars, because the deal is just so spanking good. But I am a bit of Classical Music Geek.

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Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 23, go to album. Or browse results titled:. Philadelphia upstarts Crypt Sermon cleave yet another epic slab o' doom full of fantastical m3p and kickass solos.

Results 1 to 8 of 8. Built on bludgeoned blues and skulomaster with low-rent hedonism, this rarities compilation is party music for burnouts. Life's too short to spend your time listening to mediocrity.

Before they became Kobanes, these Chicago Ramones-inspired poppy punkers formed this instro-surf band with a creepy, satanic theme and actually came up with twelve great, spooky instrumental surf tunes that transcend the schlock. Two of the titles suggest creepiness, but neither is especially creepy. Bandcamp Album of the Day Feb 14, go to album.

The Skull Master

Bandcamp Album of the Day Aug 15, go to album. This music is kick ass really glad I stumbled upon it. The time now is Have a good deal or coupon?

Hey, that's some good info. This isn't much of a problem if you are just popping this into your iPod, and putting it on random play along with your Coldplay and Metallica.

Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends. Axe-throwing, beer-chugging, devil-worshipping speed metal with a heart of gold: Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

I've got this on my iPod. Purchasable with gift card. Please post it on our forums If it's a hot deal, we will post it on the front page with your name on it!

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Thundering, arena-ready hard rock with occult-inspired lyrics and gothic stylings; the pinnacle of musical devil worship. Bandcamp Album of the Day Apr 19, All times are GMT Tags rock crossover skullmasster horror rock surf music France.

Originally Posted by cynep. Gives me something to listen to while at work!

skullmaster mp3

The play what they call new school surf music, highly respectuous of the genre pionneers but excited by the idea of mixing traditional elements of the style with many other musical influences punk rock, heavy rock, old school metal, noise, etc. Recorded in the Mecca of pop-punk, Sonic Iguana, by the Pope of pop-punk, Mass Giorgini ten years ago, then they broke up and none of us even knew about it until now. Just bought it, and, like you said, if anything catches my ear, I'll look into getting the complete work.

You guys are definitely getting more airplay on KDVS Bandcamp Album of the Day Feb 14, I like this version better.

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